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Alphamstone Village Hall Committee


Saturday 27TH August 2022


Held at AVH

  1. Attendees

Committee Members:

Desmond Bridge (DB)- Chairman

Martin Gilbert (MG) – Treasurer

Laura Richardson (LR) – Secretary

Lynne Potter (LP)

Sue Gardiner (SG)


Members of Public

Kathryn Parsons


  1. Apologies for Absence

No apologies received.

  1. Approval of Minutes of AGM 2021

    1. Approval by SG MG. Signing of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising - None


  1. Chairman’s Report



  1. Treasurer’s Report



  1. Secretary’s Report

From the date of the last AGM August 2021, AVH committee held 5 meetings.

During the re-election of the Committee Desmond Bridge was elected chairman, Martin Gilbert was elected Treasurer and Laura Richardson was elected Secretary, all with unanimous Committee approval.

Annual membership was renewed for the RCCE.   

The fete sub-committee for the 2022 fete comprised of MG, DB, SG and LR.

  1. AOB


  1. Questions from members of the public?



  1. Election of Trustees (if applicable) (2021 Committee elected.)

Named Trustees all stand down to be re-elected. Proposed as per 2021 by KP. Seconded by all others present.


  1. Joining Committee Members


Meeting adjourned at 11.15am.

Date of next meeting: - Monday 12th September 4.30pm Alphamstone Village Hall.

Chairman’s Report to the 2022 VH AGM



March ’21 to March ’22 was a financial year during which we managed to get back to something like “business as usual” although the Fête in May was not feasible. At the beginning of the year Covid was still making its presence felt and some of the events held were definitely affected by the lingering pandemic in terms of reduced footfall.


As a Committee we kept alert to the constantly changing suggested protocols for public buildings (particularly in the earlier part of the year) and made sure that the Hall was fit for purpose.  To this end my thanks go to all the committee members and especially to Martin and Laura. Martin has been ever present in the maintenance of the property with much of the work that he does going largely unseen.


We owe our thanks to the community for supporting the hall, both at the varied regular events that take place – both commercial and voluntary – and by using it for private social occasions or equipment rentals. I single out at this point all those involved in the organisation of the Pop-in-Café and the Social Club.


I look forward with confidence to the Chairman’s Report on the current year during which, as you are all aware, the Hall has returned to being one of the two focal hubs of a near normal community life. If the lockdowns showed us anything positive, it was to confirm that being part of a cohesive community is of primary importance.




Alphamstone Village Hall Committee. Treasurer's Report for year ending 31/3/2022



Despite the Village Hall being shut again for parts of the year due to covid, we have been fortunate to be only £609 down on the year.


We manage to only achieve an income of £3151 which is 42% of the last non covid year (2019/20) mainly due to the cancelled Fete and some reductions across all our other usual income earning activities.


Costs were £3760, £985 higher than the prior year. This was largely due to covid re-opening costs (£401), shed maintenance (£301), window glass replacement (£198) and a resumption of operational services not undertaken in the prior year due to hall covid shutdown.

Bank Account

Bank account balance at year end (31/3/2022) was £22,888

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