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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

12th February 2015

To be held in The Village Hall

At 7 pm



Apologies for absence

Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 22nd January 2015

Signature of Minutes

Matters Arising from Minutes 

See Build Committee item 

PAT update

Extract Minute for Leeds

Charities Commission change of details

Treasurer’s Report

Update on current financial position  (BT) 

Contractor Update

Works undertaken since last meeting

Build Committee Meeting

Kitchen Update


Any Other Business

Date of next Meeting



Minutes of Alphamstone Village Hall

Committee Meeting held on 12th February 2015

At 7pm in The Village Hall


Present: Helen Bradshaw (HMB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Tom Fryer (TF), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


Apologies: Peter Duffus


Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th February 2015

Signature of Minutes

TF requested item 6.2. be altered, by way of these minutes of 12th February,  to reflect that he had been asked by a member of  the ‘old’ fete committee, Mandy,  to see whether members of the Village Hall Committee would volunteer to constitute a new fete committee for this year’s fete. 

TF also said that he had asked for all the quotes, garnered over a  twelve year period, to be included in the minutes.  The Committee discussed this matter further and it was felt more thought and planning was required as, some of those involved, may not want a quote, given privately, made  public.  TF signed the minutes

 Matters Arising

DB said that he had been asked, by the Chairman of the ‘old’ fete committee, to advise the Village Hall Committee that the old Committee had indeed been disbanded and a new Committee needed to be formed. DB said that his role on the new fete committee was with his PCC hat on to ensure that it was a joint committee.  DB passed to HMB a copy of an article he had written for ‘Look Out’ for her to include in the update email she was sending, on behalf of the Committee, to the Friends of Alphamstone. HMB said she would send a draft email to all members for comment.

TF advised that the Leeds account had been closed and the monies paid into the National Westminster Current Account.  TF had also brought the necessary forms to the meeting to enable change of signatories

PAT testing.  TF tabled an advisory piece from Rural Action Yorkshire which, he said, showed that PAT was not a requirement for the Village Hall as it was not a place of work.   

BT advised that he had updated the Charities Commission website with current Committee Member details.

HMB had drafted loan agreements for EH and LP which they took away to review.

HMB asked TF if he had drawn the drainage plan.  TF had not yet.  LP undertook to speak also to John McGlashan as he had worked with TF on this.

Treasurer’s Report

BT advised that total available funds remained the same as the last meeting.

BT said a donation had been received from PD.  The Committee unanimously thanked PD and DB undertook to write a letter of thanks to PD. HMB asked DB if the monies he was putting up for the plastering were a loan or a donation. DB said they were a donation.  Committee thanked DB for his generosity and HMB undertook to write a letter of thanks.

Contractor Update

TF advised that, as the Committee knew by previously circulated emails, the quotes from the Plasterers had been received and Neil Andrews quote was approximately 25% cheaper and Neil will start work on the following Monday.

Any Other Business

EH tabled a draft letter to Therese Melville and checked what sums had been raised for particular items. HMB said she would send over the Village Hall logo for EH to use and the Committee also thought Therese should be apprised of the new Village Hall web site.

HMB wondered if the web site could be developed into one to embrace all aspects of Alphamstone life. Committee thought an idea worth pursuing and DB said he would contact either Grahame King or Vernon Nott to see how this could start to be achieved.

Build Committee Meeting

Kitchen  TF told the Committee that he didn’t think that it was correct for the existing Committee to change the decisions of the previous Committee in this regard.  TF said that he had spoken to a senior member of the previous Committee who had concurred with him in this view.  DB advised the Committee that he had spoken to that same person the morning of the meeting.  DB said, in conversation, he had been advised that there were no objections to this Committee making decisions about the kitchen as nothing had been formally agreed previously.

EH and SG tabled the revised drawing from Jane Parker and the legal requirements for sinks and hand washing was discussed. Some changes were made to the plan and then EH ‘walked’ the plan through with TF in the kitchen.  TF asked if he could have the revised plan by Monday for exact positioning of plumbing and electrics.

EH advised that she had spoken to BDC to ascertain whether just a sink and carcase would be acceptable to them for sign off.  BDC had advised this would not be acceptable.  Doors on the unit, hot and cold running water and the hard standing were all required for sign off.

TF told the committee that he had asked BDC what the time lapse was between sign off and getting formal approval through.  BDC had said they would send an email the next day.

TF was then asked to leave the meeting

Decisions on the sink options were sought by EH from the Committee.  A decision was reached and EH and SG were to liaise with Jane Parker.  The revised plan was again reviewed and unanimously agreed by the Committee.  EH and SH undertook to contact Jane Parker and ask for the revised plan to be drawn up.

Plumbing was discussed and the meeting agreed to go with the BDC guidance and have all necessary plumbing works undertaken at the same time.

EH and SG undertook to advise the Build Committee of the revised costs.

Work Party 28th February  This was discussed with a view to engaging as many Alphamstonians on the day as possible.  Various Committee members undertook to contact members of the community. HMB updated Committee that Colne Skips had offered to provide an 8 yard skip for £150. Which was a discount on usual rates. Committee agreed that a skip should be provided. DB said that there was a surplus of just over half that amount available in the cheque he had given BT. HMB said she would pay the other £75. Required. Committee agreed to order the skip

Date of Next Meeting

Next Meeting was agreed to be held on 26th February in The Village Hall at 7pm. Meeting closed.






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